Educate in science and technology as one of the basis to access employment and social inclusion.

A large number of studies have emphasized a worrying decrease in the interest of young people in science and technology. The Rocard report on Science education states that this lack of interest of young people towards science is due to the way it is taught in schools. In this context, whilst the educational community agrees that the teaching methods based on investigation are more effective, the truth is that in most European classrooms these methods are not always implemented. The need of improving the scientific education has a crucial role in the “Lisbon Strategy”, in the report “Science education for responsible citizenship” (2015) and in the Strategic framework in education and training (ET2020).

    1. To educate in science and technology as one of the basis to access employment and social inclusion. 
    2. To involve students in their own learning processes through proposals where they become leading characters and responsible.
    3. To promote a non-formal, personalised and cooperative learning taking the advantage of the accessibility to open educational resources generated in the website.
    4. To improve the students’ competences, mainly in communication and science-technology.
    5. To promote equity, social cohesion and active citizenship.
    6. To encourage the cooperation among European countries to improve the cultural dialogue, increase the employability and extend the range of job opportunities.
    7. To increase creativity and innovation, including entrepreneurship, at all levels of education and training.
    8. To provide the students with innovative learning approaches which involve them directly, thus favouring an active participation in the common problem-solving processes and the creativity, initiative and responsibility of their own work.
Maker's philosophy

Enable students to become active citizens with the required skills

The five schools involved in this project include science and technology education, as well as teaching of foreign languages as main goals  of their curricula. Despite the fact that employment opportunities in Europe have been seriously affected by the economic conditions, the demand of skilled science and technology workers with a good language competence and entrepreneurship is still high. Thus, the participating schools aim to educate their students to become active citizens with the skills required to seize the opportunities the future may bring in two high profile areas among the STEM, robotics and biotechnology subjects.

Improve the student's competences to promote equity, social cohesion and active citizenship